
目前顯示的是 2月, 2020的文章

One Liners

  Scale Kicad Footprint awk '{{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/\((start|end|center|at)\>/){$(i+1)=$(i+1)*0.6667;$(i+2)=($(i+2)*0.6667)")"}}};print}'

Programming Joypad with Arduino Uno R3 and HC05 (Old version)

    It is a wifi remote controller built with arduino uno and HC05 wifi module. It is powered by 2 pieces of lipo batteries. Construction Pin Assignment Pin Function remarks PB0 key drive SW20, SW30 PB1 key drive SW21, SW31 PB2 key drive SW22, SW32 PB3 LED PB5 LED UNO PD0 RX UART PD1 TX UART PD2 key sense SW2, SW20, SW21, SW22 PD3 key sense SW3, SW30, SW31, SW32 AREF ADC battery PB1 ^ PB0 < PD2 > PB2

Control Adaptor Board (Old version 2020)

  Construction    Pinout   Example Program Please visit The Robot Car for example program. MCU Pin Assignment Pin Function Remark Configuration|Mode A0 GPIO LED 0010=2 (2MHz) A1 TIM2_CH2 counter right 0100=4 (default) A2 TX2 HC06 1010=a (AFPP) A3 RX2 HC06 0100=4 A5 SCK1 path sensor 1010=a A6 MISO1 path sensor 0100=4 A7 MOSI1 path sensor 1010=a A8 TIM1_CH1 motor left 1010=a A9 TIM1_CH2 motor right 1010=a A10 TIM1_CH3 HC-SR04, echo 0100=4 A12 GPIO button 0100=4 B0 ADC12_IN8 battery 0000=0 (analog) B6 GPIO LED 0010=2 B7 TIM4_CH2 counter left 0100=4 B10 TX3 u