Programming The Robot Car
When connecting the USB2TTL to the control board, NEVER USE THE 5 VOLT LINE . It will burn the microcontroller. You must not power up the control board (inserting USB2TTL to PC will power up the 3.3 volt line) unless all connections are properly established. That is, connect the USB2TTL to the control board first. Connect the USB2TTL to PC afterward. Blink the LEDs There are three controllable LEDs. A blue LED comes with the MCU module. The control board bears a green LED and a yellow LED. The first program to write is to blink the LEDs in the background and control them in the main() function. /* main.cpp */ oi ai u i e i ; a ou o a e ei e i e ou i u io e u e a e O O O A A O }; e u e o o UE EE E O }; oi e e o o e a e ; i ai oi e UE O ; ai ; ai o 1 e o u i a i e e EE O ; ai ; a o...